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  • Papers
    1. Marika HAYASHI, Toshiaki MAKI, Yui ISHIZAKA, Shigeru KANZAKI, Tomoaki YOSHIKAI, Masayuki INABA: Development of Humanoid Robot with Polyurethane Foam Flesh and Tactile, in The 24th Annual Conference on Robotics Society of Japan, 2H14, 2006.
    2. Marika Hayashi, Takashi Sagisaka, Yui Ishizaka, Tomoaki Yoshikai, Masayuki Inaba: Development of Functional Whole-Body Flesh with Distributed Three-axis Force Sensors to Enable Close Interaction by Humanoids, in Proceedings of The 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, pp.3610--3615, 2007.
    3. Tomoaki Yoshikai, Marika Hayashi, Yui Ishizaka, Takashi Sagisaka, Masayuki Inaba: Behavior Integration for Whole-body Close Interactions by a Humanoid with Soft Sensor Flesh, in Proceedings of the 2007 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2007), , 2007.
    4. Tomoaki YOSHIKAI, Marika HAYASHI, Masayuki INABA: Behavior Integration System for macra, a Humanoid with Soft Sensor Flesh, in The 25th Annual Conference on Robotics Society of Japan, 1H32, 2007.
    5. Marika Hayashi, Takashi Sagisaka, Tomoaki Yoshikai, Masayuki Inaba: Design Evaluation of Soft Humanoid Robot Exterior in respect of Contact Behavior, in 2007 JSME Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics, 1P1-H04, 2007.
    6. Marika HAYASHI, Tomoaki YOSHIKAI, Masayuki INABA: Sensing through Distributed Three-Axis Force Sensors on Humanoid Robot with Soft Exterior, in The 25th Annual Conference on Robotics Society of Japan, 1H31, 2007.
    7. Marika HAYASHI, Yui ISHIZAKA, Ryohei UEDA, Tomoaki YOSHIKAI, Masayuki INABA: Close Interaction of Humanoid with Soft Three-Axis Force Sensing Exterior, in The 25th Annual Conference on Robotics Society of Japan, 2L13, 2007.
    8. Marika Hayashi, Yui Ishizaka, Ryohei Ueda, Tomoaki Yoshikai, Masayuki Inaba: Development of a Humanoid with Distributed Deformation Sense with Full-Body Soft Plastic Foam Cover as Flesh of a Robot, Journal of the Robotics Society of Japan, Vol.26, No.8, pp.67--73, 2008.
    9. Tomoaki Yoshikai, Takashi Sagisaka, Marika Hayashi, Masayuki Inaba: Acquisition and Realization of a Rolling-Over Motion for a Humanoid with Soft Sensor Flesh, Journal of Robotics and Mechatronics, Vol.20, No.2, pp.241--249, 2008.
    10. Tomoaki YOSHIKAI, Marika HAYASHI, Masayuki Inaba: Simultaneous Learning and Recalling System for Wholebody Motion of a Humanoid with Soft Sensor Flesh, in Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, pp.229--237, 2008.