超多自由度可変柔軟脊椎筋骨格型ヒューマノイドロボット 小太郎
- Papers
- I.Mizuuchi, T.Yoshikai, Y.Sodeyama, Y.Nakanishi, A.Miyadera,
T.Yamamoto, T.Niemela, M.Hayashi, J.Urata, Y.Namiki, T.Nishino,
M.Inaba: A Musculoskeletal Flexible-Spine Humanoid `Kotaro' Aiming at Year 2020, in Proceedings of 36th International Symposium on Robotics (ISR2005), TH1C4, Dec., 2005.
- I.Mizuuchi, T.Yoshikai, Y.Nakanishi, Y.Sodeyama, T.Yamamoto,
A.Miyadera, T.Niemela, M.Hayashi, J.Urata, M.Inaba: Development of
Muscle-Driven Flexible-Spine Humanoids, in Proceedings of 2005 5th
IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots
(Humanoids2005), pp.339--344, Dec., 2005.
- Y.Nakanishi, I.Mizuuchi, T.Yoshikai, T.Inamura, M.Inaba:
Pedaling by a Redundant Musculo-Skeletal Humanoid Robot, in
Proceedings of 2005 5th IEEE-RAS International Conference on
Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2005), pp.68--73, Dec., 2005.
- T.Yoshikai, Y.Nakanish, I.Mizuuchi, M.Inaba: Pedaling Motion of
a Cycle by Musculo-skeletal Humanoid with Adapting Ability Based on
an Evaluation of the Muscle Loads, in Proceedings of the 9th
International Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Mar.,
- Y.Nakanishi, I.Mizuuchi, T.Yoshikai, T.Inamura, M.Inaba: Tendon
Arrangement Based on Joint Torque Requirements for a Reinforceable
Musculo-Skeletal Humanoid, in Proceedings of the 9th International
Conference on Intelligent Autonomous Systems, Mar., 2006.
- I.Mizuuchi, T.Yoshikai, Y.Sodeyama, Y.Nakanish, A.Miyadera,
T.Yamamoto, T.Niemela, M.Hayashi, J.Urata, Y.Namiki, T.Nishino,
M.Inaba: Development of Musculoskeletal Humanoid Kotaro, in
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, May, 2006.
- T.Yoshikai, I.Mizuuchi, M.Inaba: Humanoid's Imitation
Behavior with Reflexes by Parallel Evaluating Monitors, in
Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and
Automation, May, 2006.
- J.Urata, Y.Nakanishi, A.Miyadera, I.Mizuuchi, T.Yoshikai,
M.Inaba: A Three-Dimensional Angle Sensor for a Spherical Joint
Using a Micro Camera, in Proceedings of the IEEE International
Conference on Robotics and Automation, May, 2006.
- I.Mizuuchi, Y.Nakanishi, Y.Namiki, T.Yoshikai, Y.Sodeyama,
T.Nishino, J.Urata, M.Inaba: Realization of Standing of the
Musculoskeletal Humanoid Kotaro by Reinforcing Muscles, in
Proceedings of the 2006 6th IEEE-RAS International Conference on
Humanoid Robots (Humanoids 2006), pp.176-181, 2006.
- Y.Sodeyama, T.Yoshikai, T.Nishino, I.Mizuuchi, M.Inaba: The
Designs and Motions of a Shoulder Structure with a Wide Range of
Movement Using Bladebone-Collarbone Structures, in Proceedings of
the 2007 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and
Systems, pp.3629-3634, 2007.
- I.Mizuuchi, T.Nishino, Y.Sodeyama, Y.Nakanishi, Y.Namiki,
T.Yoshikai, M.Inaba: An Autonomous Reactive System for Humanoids
Equipped with Very Many Actuators and Sensors, in Proceedings of the
2007 IEEE-RAS International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids
2007), 2007.