Online Walking Trajectory Creation
Category: H7 |
Research summary
At our laboratory, we have developed a method to produce dynamic and stable walking trajectories for a humanoid robot, which includes the control of both the upper body and the legs, as well as the implementation of object transport. It is difficult to analytically determine such trajectories with a multiply linked robot. To deal with this, we use straight line approximation and incoherence with zero moment point (ZMP) derivation from the linked movements. Our proposed strategy can find a trajectory to satisfy a target ZMP with high speed calculations, and fully implement an online control system that can achieve both target upper-body and leg movements.

Online walking control
through a joystick
- Online walking trajectory management through a joystick[mpg]
- High-speed walking using upper body movement to correct for yaw-rotation[mpg]
- Koichi Nishiwaki, Satoshi Kagami, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, : Online Generation of Desired Walking Motion on Humanoid based on, the 19th Annual Conference of the Robotics Society of, pp.985--986, 2001.
- A Fast Dynamically Equilibrated Walking Trajectory Generation Method of Humanoid Robot
S. Kagami, T. Kitagawa, K. Nishiwaki, T. Sugihara, M. Inaba, H. Inoue
Autonomous Robots , Vol. 12, No. 1, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 71--82., Jan., 2002
- Online Generation of Humanoid Walking Motion based on a Fast Generation Method of Motion Pattern that Follows Desired ZMP
Koichi Nishiwaki, Satoshi Kagami, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue
Proceedings of the 2002 IEEE/RSJ Intl. Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland., pp. 2684--2689., 2002
- Koichi Nishiwaki, Satoshi Kagami, Yasuo Kuniyoshi, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue:
Walking Motion Stabilizer through Compensating Deformation of Crotch Joints with Attitude Angular Sensors,
in 2002 JSME Conference On Robotics And Mechatronics, 1P1-E05, 2002./li>
- ヒューマノイドロボットのオンライン歩行制御システムと移動物体追従実験
西脇 光一, 加賀美 聡, 稲葉 雅幸, 井上 博允
第8回ロボティクスシンポジア予稿集, pp. 355--360., 2003 年, 3 月
- Online Humanoid Walking Control System and a Moving Goal Tracking Experimant
Koichi Nishiwaki, Satoshi Kagami, James J. Kuffner, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue
IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA2003), pp. 911--916., Sep., 2003
- Walking Control System of a Humanoid for Tracking a Moving Object with Estimate of the Target Motion
Koichi Nishiwaki, Satoshi Kagami, Masayuki Inaba, Hirochika Inoue
IEEE International Conference on Humanoid Robots (Humanoids2003), Oct., 2003